Black Italy

A nocturnal garden
On Vesper 10, Project Eden, I wrote a review of projects, actions and plants that describe a possible night garden, from an idea by Anna Cecchin.
Photographic traps that record exclusive facts of the dark (Hanimann, Trapped, 2018); images of lovers, plants and voyeurs (Yoshiyuki, The Park, 1971-1979); Playmobil kit (night walk, article number 6891); the garden of childhood fears (Caroline Voss, Arnaud Devos); the presences of the Atelier dell’errore; the JBL Control 85M, ‘mushroom landscape’ speaker certified waterproof, resistant to atmospheric agents and insects; the Diospyros ebenum; Convolvulus sabatius; Ipomoea bona-nox…
Altri giardini

Venezia. Guida alla selva. A cura di Sara Marini. NERO. 2024

Desire and territory

DUNE: Dark room, n° 1, March 2020, ISSN: 2705-0084
Photographs by Louis De Belle
DUNE on Flash Art

Lo-Fi Architecture. Architecture as curatorial practice
curated by Mario Lupano, with Luca Emanueli and Marco Navarra

An exhibition and a book
26th august - 8th october 2010
Opening Thursday, August 26th at 6.30pm
Palazzo Mangilli-Valmarana Cannaregio 4392, Venice
Centrale Fies: l'attrazione. Franz Magazine

L'attrazione, parte I

L'attrazione, parte II 04/06/2015

L'attrazione, parte III 19/01/2016

Il paese nero 03/08/2016

Stefano Graziani, il paesaggio in sequenza
PhotoPaysage, Il paesaggio inventato dalla fotografia, a cura di Malvina Borgherini e Monique Sicard, Quodlibet, 2020, ISBN 9788822903990