Black Italy


Black Italy produces architectural projects, publications, performative actions; smaller-scale projections of an imaginary sampled on a territorial scale.
Black Italy produce progetti di architettura, pubblicazioni, azioni performative; proiezioni a scala minore di un immaginario campionato a scala territoriale.
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A nocturnal garden
On Vesper 10, Project Eden, I wrote a review of projects, actions and plants that describe a possible night garden, from an idea by Anna Cecchin.
Photographic traps that record exclusive facts of the dark (Hanimann, Trapped, 2018); images of lovers, plants and voyeurs (Yoshiyuki, The Park, 1971-1979); Playmobil kit (night walk, article number 6891); the garden of childhood fears (Caroline Voss, Arnaud Devos); the presences of the Atelier dell’errore; the JBL Control 85M, ‘mushroom landscape’ speaker certified waterproof, resistant to atmospheric agents and insects; the Diospyros ebenum; Convolvulus sabatius; Ipomoea bona-nox…
Altri giardini / Other gardens

Venezia. Guida alla selva. Curated by Sara Marini. NERO. 2024

Expiring drawings

Projects for private clients can go through suspensions due to changing wishes, to the complexity of administrative procedures... An interval in which critical aspects are investigated through an unusual amount of drawings, a time in which even intense design solutions appear, however taking on the ephemeral character of this pause and are not then realized according to those drawings.
Quando progetti per clienti privati attraversano sospensioni dovute a desideri che mutano, alla complessità delle procedure amministrative, si stabilisce un intervallo che consente di indagare aspetti critici, un tempo in cui appaiono soluzioni progettuali anche intense e complete che assumono però il carattere effimero di questa pausa e non sono poi realizzate secondo quei disegni.

Casa R. - T.T. (Black Italy 002)

Spaces are defined by establishing relationships between audio devices, lights and plants, presences that follow and enable intimate behaviors and domestic broadcasting practices. When it was first opened this apartment hosted a concert and a performance as Centrale Fies off site.
Gli spazi sono definiti stabilendo relazioni tra dispositivi audio, luci e piante, presenze che seguono e consentono comportamenti intimi e pratiche di trasmissione domestica. Alla sua prima apertura questa casa  ha ospitato un concerto e una performance come sito off di Centrale Fies.

Casa Cicca Museum (Black Italy 004)

The program of this small house museum required a space for artists in residence and one for the work of curator Giulia Currà. The house was already split in half, so the two spaces are analogues except for minimal variations.

When one of the spaces of Casa Cicca Museum stages a live action, this is broadcast and post-produced in the other. The two sets can swing roles in real time.
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Sonic Hypothesis in a pleasure ground (Black Italy 001)

Site specific spatial installation, with Nicola Di Croce, Centrale Fies art work space, Drò (TN), 2019
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Il paese nero | Black Italy

Luca Ruali, Il paese nero | Black Italy, in Loc. Fies 1, bruno, Venezia, 2019
ISBN 9788899058272
Distributed by Motto
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Pleasure ground, workshop, IUAV, Venice 2020

ReMade in Italy. Fare altre cose

Venice Biennale 2012. 13th International Architecture Exhibition
Italian Pavilion
29th August - 25th November 2012

A structure close to the abandoned station of Castroreale, Sicily, 2015

Libro vivo
Università Iuav di Venezia
Tolentini, Biblioteca
Santa croce, 191
8-10 maggio 2019
ore 18-21
a cura di Saul Marcadent


Alcamo, Alcamo Marina
14-22 giugno 2019

Andrea Masu, Federico Lupo, Luca Ruali, Claudia Lombardo, EmaJons + Sbrama, Lorenzo Raspanti, Esco UK, Alcart

a cura di Leonardo Ruvolo

Workshop curated by Luca Ruali for MOVIES, Master in Moving Images Arts directed by Malvina Borgherini, Iuav University, Venice, February 2019.

A Magnetic Communication with Nature. Content preview, 2018

Live set dedicated to the abandonment of Italian internal areas.
Nicola Di Croce

Beg, 2016

Motion for Beg by Oy (Stimming EP), Terrible Records.

In Outtakes, unreleased and ephemera

Centrale Fies, l'attrazione

In Outtakes, unreleased and ephemera

Lo-Fi Architecture, Architecture as curatorial practice
An exhibition and a book
curated by Mario Lupano, with Luca Emanueli and Marco Navarra
26th august - 8th october 2010
Opening Thursday, August 26th at 6.30pm
Palazzo Mangilli-Valmarana Cannaregio 4392, Venice